High Concept with Mike Jonjak

A stoned take on TEDTalks with laughs and snacks!

Not quite stand up, not quite a podcast, High Concept rides the euphoric line between. Five comics prepare informative presentations on topics they love, then just before they perform we break their brains with heroic amounts of legal flower. Laugh along with the panel as everyone attempts to delight and enlighten the audience at this one-of-a-kind show!

Reagan Niemela
Ton Johnson
Aaron Clark
Craig Smith
and Chris Higgins

Sponsored by Knuckleheads Tobacco & Gifts with a special raffle for attendees!

Doors open at 7:30. Show starts at 8:30.

$5 student discounts at the door!

VIP seats at $25 each or 4/$20 a person (teehee!)
Included with VIP:
-unlimited munchies
-perks from our sponsors
-10 giveaway raffle tickets!

The event is finished.

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26 Oct 2022


7:30pm - 11:30pm

More Info



Miramar Theatre
2844 N Oakland Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53202